Get Involved!
Want to make a difference and work for positive social change? Interested in working with a local grassroots organization?
Come volunteer with the Peace Center and be exposed to our grassroots organizing efforts, our cultural and educational events, and our super volunteers. Volunteers are critical to the success of the Peace Center, and are essential to our organization’s day-to-day operations and the broader movement for peace and justice.
Volunteer Roles at the Peace Center include:

Event Blogger
We are looking for people who are willing to join us in the community and promote the various services that the Peace Center provides for the DC community. Volunteers interested in this opportunity will be asked to write a small blurb of about 250 words on the event, take a picture and post it on our blog no later than 24 hours after the event takes place.
Graphic Design Volunteer
Use your artistic skills for social justice! We'd love help in designing posters and flyers for events and resources to put up around the city.
One-time Volunteers
Occasional volunteers are only available to help at a specific event. This is especially helpful when an event is planned and many more people are needed the day of the event.
Office Volunteer
Office volunteers are critical to keeping the center open and operating. There are many aspects of this work including, but not limited to, administrative support (entering data, writing thank-you notes, preparing mass mailings), answering phones, project-specific work, and assisting center visitors.
Social Media Volunteer
Help spread knowledge of upcoming progressive events and other activist issues through Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Help expand the Peace Center’s online presence and our connection to other progressive allies through strategic use of social media tools.
Website Development Volunteer
The Peace Center is looking for help to maintain and expand our website. This can be done from anywhere. We want to improve and expand some aspects of our site.
Landscape Maintenance
Keep grass mowed
Work to create a more inviting space on the patio
Tend to WSLR liriope sculpture and vine sculpture
Assistant to the Art Curator
Help brainstorm ideas for upcoming art exhibits
Outreach to potential partners
Update website
Produce promotional materials for exhibits – posters/programs
Put out call to artist
Assist with e-newsletter production
Product investigation
We want to support companies that are doing the right thing in terms of caring for the earth, worker’s rights, and social causes. Volunteers can research products and make suggestions for alternative products.
Venue Signage
We’d like to make our patrons/customers aware of what we are doing to be more environmentally responsible. Could use signage about our solar water heater, solar panels, not selling plastic water bottles, recycling, etc.
Online Calendar Volunteer
We maintain an online calendar of progressive events in and around Sarasota. We're looking for someone who can reach out to other organizations to establish a calendar liaison, teach them how to input information into the online calendar, as well as enter help event postings that come through email on the calendar. It's a great way to find out all the great things going on in the Sarasota area and which organizations are active locally.
Record Activist Calendar for Broadcast
Take items off the activist calendar, write a script, record and edit it for broadcast on WSLR’s Jumping Mullet report.
Grant writing
Explore grants related to arts/culture and social justice activities.
Draft grant proposals.
E-newsletter production
Compile peace and justice events to go out in bi-weekly e-newsletter.
Produce bi-weekly Mailchimp e-newsletter.
Event Volunteers
PEAC hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Events offer a lot of volunteer opportunities, including set-up, break-down and clean-up, traffic assistance, beverage serving, outreach, ticket sales, promotion, poster art and volunteer coordination.
Petition Gatherers
We are currently gathering petitions in support of Move to Amend and in support of Restoration of Voting Rights for Felons.
Volunteer Development
Includes connecting with new volunteers when they attend a new volunteer orientation and checking in with the volunteer from time to time. Another aspect of volunteer development is finding ways to recognize the efforts and the achievements of News volunteers.
Intern with the Peace and Justice Show
Create a Facebook page for the show
Post a promotional blurb on the Facebook page the day before every show
Podcast the show – do any necessary audio editing
Post a link to the show on the Facebook page after every show
Plan topics and schedule guests for the show
Post to the PEACenter blog to promote the show
Post to the WSLR website to promote the show
Conduct recorded interviews
Tweet about the show
Meet with show hosts following each show – 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday @10am