undoing racism workshop
‘Undoing Racism’®: Faith and Spiritual Communities
May 21 - 23, 2022
Location: Quaker Friends Meeting House, 3139 57th St., Sarasota, FL, 34234
PURPOSE: The purpose of this workshop is to bring individuals from different faith and spiritual traditions together to create a common understanding of how race and racism impacts us and our communities. Through this workshop, we will dialogue about and learn how we might create equity and inclusion in and through our faith and spiritual communities. Our faith and spiritual beliefs can play a transformative role as we undo racism in our communities.
Saturday, May 21, 12-9pm
Sunday, May 22, 1-8pm
Monday, May 23, 4-9pm
We are committed to having members of our community participate regardless of their ability to pay. Thus, we have a limited number of scholarships available. Please let us know if you need a scholarship.
To apply, please complete the form found here.
Supporting Documents:
People's Institute for Survival and Beyond Principles
People's Institute for Survival and Beyond History
People's Institute for Survival and Beyond Anticipated Outcomes
Find out more information about the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond at https://www.pisab.org/
Thanks to our Sponsors: